Greater Orlando Area of Narcotics Anonymous

Serving Orange, Osceola, Lake and Seminole Counties of Florida


Virtual Meetings and COVID-19 Statements Greater Orlando Virtual Meetings Greater Orlando Area Temporary Meeting Closures Greater Orlando Area In-Person Meetings NAWS Virtual Meeting Finder Virtual NA NA by phone COVID-19 Statements NA World Services Statement...

GSR Report

New GSR Report ASC Reports Combine GSR Reports From Last ASC into PDF or DOC Message : GSR Reports ASC Date Home Group Business Meeting VIEW Actions 2018-01-14 Radical Recovery Last Sunday of the month PDF   DOC COPY 2017-06-11 Believing in Miracles...


FLYERS Printing and Downloading Flyers Print Flyer.  Click on flyer twice.  Second click will expand flyer to a larger size.  Scroll to bottom of flyer.  Click on Print. Note: If flyer is printed with Headers or Footers you will need to configure your browser (file...

Area Service Structure

AREA SERVICE STRUCTURE In keeping with our 4th Tradition “Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or NA as a whole”, the individual addicts which make up each of the NA meetings form home groups.  In NA, every addict has a...

ASC Meeting Minutes

GREATER ORLANDO AREA MEETING MINUTES [include file=’/scripts/meetingminutefiles.php’]