Greater Orlando Area of Narcotics Anonymous

Serving Orange, Osceola, Lake and Seminole Counties of Florida

Virtual Meetings Instructions

Greater Orlando Area Virtual Meetings

*** Any homegroup interested in starting a local virtual meeting, please submit a Website Request and email ***

In light of the community response to COVID-19, homegroups in the Greater Orlando Area have been coming together to form virtual meetings to allow addicts to stay connected, primarily using the Zoom platform. We are currently adding new Zoom meetings almost daily so please check back frequently for updates. Below the virtual meeting list are virtual homegroup BUSINESS MEETINGS. This list is small right now, and will continue to grow throughout the month.

You can access Zoom meetings via:

  • Computer with a webcam/mic
  • The Zoom App on your smartphones
  • Dialing in with a traditional phone

Click here for instructions on how to join Zoom NA meetings

Each meeting will have a link you can use to access it via web browser or Zoom app. They will also have a meeting ID you can use if dialing in by phone for audio only. If this is your first time, try logging on 15 minutes early to test your audio/video.

If dialing in, dial 1-646-558-8656, then enter Meeting ID, then hit #.  Then hit # again.

Or try the one-tap mobile option and the Meeting ID will be entered for you.

With a large amount of in-person meetings closed right now, support through 7th Tradition Donations has been limited in our Area. We offer a virtual alternative using PayPal: